
Project Summary: Students find the ancient calendar of the world, compare them and outline the spesific features. Project description: Students are introduced to the legends about the calendar of the ancient time, scientific researches,the materials obtained by the archeologists,take the interview, learn the history about the origin of the calendar, compare and research periods of changing of calendar. Age of pupils: Unlimited. Dates: 2-months: October- November. Possible project activies in the class: To rise pupils awarenness with regard to the discovered research, group work,to take picturs and create interesting informational bank. Expected results: The history and origin of the calendar will be learned. Databasa will be created. Readymade material will be loaded in the databasa and in the school library. The interest of research will be encreased, as the students are involved in this project. Project is life-living,as the work will continue for updating and enriching of datab...